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JANUARY 10, 2023


The 88th Regular Session of the Texas Legislature convenes on January 10, 2023. At noon, Kronda Thimesch will be sworn in as the state representative for House District 65, on the floor of the Texas House in the state Capitol building.


To watch the proceedings online, click here.


If you will be in Austin on Tuesday, January 10, please stop by Rep. Thimesch's office, which is E1.216 on Floor 1 of the Capitol Extension, so we can give you directions for the viewing room and day's activities. Kronda will be on the House floor for most of the day, and access to that area will be restricted especially during the ceremonies; please visit her office as soon as you can so the HD-65 staff can take care of you.



Getting Around in the Capitol
If you entered the Capitol through the main building, you need to head north toward the North Wing Elevators to get to the HD-65 office, which is located in the Extension.

In the main original "domed" building of the Texas State Capitol are the chambers of the House and Senate, and other function rooms, along with a few members' offices.
Getting Around in the Capitol Extension
Visitors can reach the Extension through the North Wing elevators of the Capitol building.

Rep. Thimesch's office is in E1.216, aka Extension First Floor, Room 216

What is the "Extension"?
Opened to the public in 1993, the Capitol Extension added needed space while still allowing an uninterrupted northern view of the Capitol building, thanks to being mostly underground with a unique feature known as the "light courts".  Most of the House and Senate members' offices, and most of the committee meeting rooms, are located in the Extension -- along with the all-important Capitol Grill and the gift shop.
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