As of today, we have 29 days until early voting starts. That's just under a month to reach all the people who need to meet Kronda, learn about her positions and experience, and be ready to hit the polls for this important election!
Kronda supporters from all over the state are pitching in, with 1-2 hours here or there, to say hello to voters that we know are concerned for the future of Denton County and of Texas. It's a great way to meet other passionate community volunteers who believe in the power of grassroots and face-to-face connection.
Get in touch if you can spare a couple hours in the next few weeks! We want to hit 10,000 doors this month, and can't do it without the world's greatest volunteers.
And if you aren't able or available to get out and blockwalk, we've got other ways you can help! Just let us know what you can help with here and we can connect you with opportunities.